Many people would probably agree it is very frustrating when you kill yourself exercising and cutting deserts and food you most enjoy just to see stubborn pockets of fat refuse to melt no matter how hard you work to get rid of them.
Luckily, science is moving fast to help us find solutions to this problem. Recently, we saw many new technologies emerge to help with fat loss especially using non-invasive methods. One of the most popular of such methods right now is Ultrasonic Cavitation.
Here we look into scientific evidence behind the technology. We selected the best cavitation machines based on customer experience and prepared some before and after photos to see possible results after cavitation machines.
Fazjeune Multifunctional Body and Facial Beauty Machine
Winner category: The most effective for skin tightening
✔️ Prevents skin sagging after weight loss due to the radiofrequency feature
✔️ 10 levels of intensity for each mode for the most comfortable and personalized treatment
✔️ LED screen helps to easily navigate the menu
✔️ Timer helps you to maintain appropriate time for each treatment
✔️ 20 – 40 kHz Ultrasonic cavitation (medium to high penetration force)
✔️ 2 radiofrequency probes for body and face

Body Slimming Massage Machine
Winner category: The most versatile
✔️ Good for professional use
✔️ 20 – 40 kHz ultrasonic cavitation (medium to high penetration force)
✔️ Vacuum RF 1MHz (helps to move fat tissue on the deeper layers)
✔️ 3 radiofrequency probes (4MHz, 1MHz, 600kHz) for body and face
✔️ 8 lipo laser handles (6 big and 2 small) 5 – 350 MW (highest penetration force)

Enshey body sculpting machine
Winner category: The most simple to use
✔️ Wide cavitation head for maximum coverage of treatment area
✔️ Simple controls
✔️ 5 levels of adjustments (easy to adjust even without display)
✔️ 40 – 60 kHz (medium to low penetration force)

BaiYoug 3-in-1 ultrasonic fat loss machine
Winner category: The most compact cavitation machine
✔️ Lightweight and compact
✔️ Two settings (low and high) for Ultrasonic cavitation that gives medium or high penetration force
✔️ Infrared Light (tightens and improve the skin)
✔️ EMS (electro-magnetic stimulation) with 5 settings (stimulates muscles)

How does ultrasonic cavitation work?
Up until recently, liposuction was considered the most popular way for body contouring. However, this invasive procedure is associated with a long recovery, adverse events, and complications, which created a demand for non-invasive pain-free methods of fat reduction and body sculpturing. In recent research, doctors compared invasive (liposuction), semi-invasive (lipolysis), and non-invasive (cryo lipolysis, radiofrequency, and ultrasonic cavitation) methods for fat reduction and determined, that non-invasive methods appear to have better efficacy in the body circumference measurements [1].
The latest and most promising (according to research [2]) non-invasive technology is Ultrasound Lipolysis, also called Ultrasonic Cavitation. This method uses ultrasound to liquefy fat cells. High-intensity focused ultrasound waves make a vibration, creating air bubbles that expand and burst, forcing adipose (fat cells) membranes to burst, releasing free fatty acids and glycerol (see figure 1). Water-soluble glycerol then is used to generate energy in the body, whereas fatty acids get absorbed by the liver like any other fatty acids you get with your food.
During cavitation only adipose (fat) tissue is affected, because it has a much weaker membrane, leaving other tissues completely unaffected.

This method is completely painless, shows results in a matter of days, and doesn’t leave any marks on the skin like bruising or scarring.
Cavitation machines: how to choose?
So how this technology is applied in practical terms? By Ultrasonic Cavitation Machines aka Lipo Cavitation Machines or Cavi Lipo Machines.

There are many types and forms of these machines from small hand-held wands to complex machines with many different probes and settings. However simple or complicated, the principle is the same. All machines have wands with metalheads transmitting high-frequency sound waves. To perform the treatment you need to press the wand to your skin lightly on the wanted area and move the wand imitating massage movements.
When choosing an Ultrasonic Slimming machine you need to consider several things.
You can have a single wand ultrasonic cavitation machine, a machine with additional RF (radiofrequency) probes, vacuum RF, EMS (electro-magnetic stimulation), or laser-lipo features.
Ultrasonic cavitation is a great way to sculpt your body to the desired form, however, it is not a weight-loss procedure. So to see consistent results you need to follow a balanced diet, exercise routine, perform lymph drainage massage, and drink a lot of water. If you are naturally good at following all the rules, you will see great results using a simple single-wand cavitation machine.
If you know you might struggle with maintaining your routine, additional features in your beauty machine will greatly help flush liquefied fat from your body.
- RF (radiofrequency) feature will assist your lymph system, so it is easier for your body to get rid of destroyed fat cells.
- Vacuum RF stimulates the production of new collagen to improve skin elasticity and firmness.
- EMS (electro-magnetic stimulation) stimulates your muscles in a particular area that you can use to increase your exercising time.
- Laser-lipo will target fat cells with laser precision
The infrared feature is a great addition to any beauty device (in ultrasonic cavitation machines it is usually paired with RF), the light is well-known for its healing powers.
Frequency range
Most lipo cavitation machines operate on sound waves frequencies 20 – 40 kHz. The way the method works the lower the frequency, the deeper it penetrates (see figure 2). So adjusting the frequency during the procedures will help to target different layers of fat deposits. It is best to avoid machines with a frequency capacity of 60Hz because the waves generated at this frequency range are too weak to reach fat deposits.

Additional functions
Infrared light is a great feature to have in your cavitation machine. Infrared promotes the production of collagen, helps reduce inflammation, and improves skin appearance.
Most body sculpting machines are also equipped with RF (radiofrequency) probes that help your lymphatic system flush destroyed fat deposits faster.
Another additional feature can be laser lipo pads (these pads also target fat cells only with laser powers), a vacuum wand (that can help bring fat deposits closer to the surface), EMS electrodes (to stimulate your muscles).
💡 Tips:
- Most cavitation machines require the use of gel or cream for lubrication and there are many suggestions to use fat burning creams or lotions. However, it is best to use water-based ultrasound gel which performs as a conductor and will increase the force of cavitation.
- When using a machine with several features always start with lipolysis (cavitation and laser lipo) then vacuum, and RF to finish. This way you destroy the fat cells first, and then help your body to flush them from your system faster.
All cavitation machines produce high shrieking noise during the procedure and you will hear ringing in your ears that can last up to 24 hours.
Best ultrasonic cavitation machines for home use
Fazjeune Multifunctional Body and Facial Beauty Machine
Winner category: The most effective for skin tightening
One of the best cavitation machines for home use. This lipo cavitation body slimming machine has two modes of operation — Ultrasonic cavitation to destroy fat cells and RF (Radio Frequency) with Infrared light to help the lymphatic system drain fatty acids faster and tighten the skin. This is a professional-grade body contouring machine that can be used at home.
The operation of the machine is relatively straightforward thanks to the touchscreen with simple instructions. First, select mode A for ultrasonic cavitation, select the level of intensity (the maximum frequency intensity of this machine is 40 kHz), set the timer, and press start. After cavitation, you can use Radio Frequency (RF) which helps your lymphatic system to flush liquefied fat faster. To use RF select mode B, choose the level of intensity, set a timer, and press start.
This is not a device you can easily take with you anywhere, but it is great for home use and with 30 minutes 3 times per week you can see a noticeable consistent reduction in your fat tissue.
BaiYoug 3-in-1 ultrasonic fat loss machine
Winner category: The most compact cavitation machine
This powerful slimming machine is ideal for those, who are always on the move. Designed specifically for home use with maximum results, this Ultrasonic Cavitation Machine is the most compact, easy to use, and packed with additional features like Infrared Light (that boosts healing powers and improves the skin) and EMS applicators (that help to tone your muscles) in addition to ridding you of fat tissue.
The machine measures just 7.48 by 2.16 inches and is designed in a way, that is easy to hold and perform cavitation procedures on oneself. You can easily reach any body area, face, or neck.
You can use this ultrasonic fat loss machine 3 times a week for 30 minutes per session. Use it with Infrared light function to promote collagen production and enhance the results of cavitation. For the most penetrative force of ultrasonic cavitation, you can choose low power of cavitation, and for the areas that need to be treated closer to the surface, choose a high setting.

Body Slimming Massage Machine
Winner category: The most versatile
Very popular among professionals this machine has Ultrasonic cavitation, vacuum RF (radiofrequency), multipolar RFs, and laser lipo features. It needs a little more practice to get used to it but will give great results (and LED touchscreen helps you to navigate easily).
To start the treatment, use laser-lipo handles and cavitation first. The machine operates on 20 – 40 kHz frequencies, so it is best to start with moderate intensity (it will have deep penetrative force) and build it up every other session. Use it for 30 minutes maximum total (if you are using the machine on several areas in one treatment, you should divide the time between all areas).
After cavitation, you can use RF (radiofrequency). All RF probes (except vacuum) come with Infrared light so it helps not only to drain fat faster but also tightens and improves your skin, promoting collagen production. HUANSHI Professional Body Slimming Machine has three RF probes with different frequencies, so you can use this feature on the body, neck, and face.
With this machine, you can have complete professional whole body and face treatments at your home, however, you need to follow the instructions carefully, maintain the order and the length of all procedures.
Enshey body sculpting machine
Winner category: The most simple to use
This Ultrasonic Slimming Machine for home or salon use is a fourth-generation edition, with perfected technology to deliver highly stable ultrasonic waves with minimum noise.
It has a triangular platform 11 by 11 inches and a single cavitation wand with an extra-wide contact surface. The device operates on a 40 – 60 kHz frequency range, that gives you medium to low penetrative force and will best liquefy thinner fat layers. This body sculpting machine has 5 levels of ultrasonic intensity (most other machines without menu screens have only 1 or 2 settings), which makes it easy to adjust to personal needs. Just 20 minutes per session 2 times a week is enough to see steady positive results.
Enshey body slimming machine is powerful enough for professional salons and compact enough for at-home use which makes this ultrasonic cavitation machine a truly universal device.
Clinical trials of ultrasound cavitation for body sculpting
The clinical trials of ultrasonic cavitation for fat loss showed that treatment provides significant satisfying results in a circumferential reduction without any serious adverse effects (see figure 3). Patients had a reduction in fat tissue by 2 cm or more across the abdomen, flanks, hips, and thighs. The results were consistent with each device used and none are associated with any adverse effects. In the review from 2015, the data was gathered from 31 studies (27 clinical studies and 4 chart reviews) with a total of 2937 patients. 843 patients were treated with HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound aka Ultrasonic Cavitation). All the studies varied in the treatment regimen, treated areas, and follow-up times, however, a vast majority of patients experienced positive results without any noticeable side effects [5].

In a study on 30 healthy patients (both males and females), the efficacy and safety of HIFU were satisfactorily confirmed. The patients underwent 3 treatments, 1 per month (only ultrasonic cavitation was performed), and were followed up 1-month post last treatment. The subjects were treated on the abdomen, thighs, flanks, inner knees, and chest (males only). In the outcome, all patients showed a significant reduction (2.28+/-0.80 cm) in thickness of the fat layer within the treated area, and circumference reduction was 4.95+/-1.99 cm. However, the patients showed no change in their weight during the treatment and follow-up period. No adverse effects were observed either (figure 4, 5) [8].

In fact, Ultrasonic Cavitation is the only body sculpting treatment that can produce significant results in a single treatment. Early clinical data on this method support its efficacy and safety for body sculpting.
Additionally, only radiofrequency, low-level laser therapy and cryo lipolysis have been approved for use in the United States [6].
In another review, that focused on technology assessment of non-invasive methods for weight-loss and body shaping, 23 studies on lipolysis were examined. Ultrasonic with Radiofrequency method showed an overall 2.7 cm reduction in the circumference of the abdomen area, and the pooled estimate reduction in fat layer thickness was 78%. It also showed that non-invasive methods appear to have better outcomes, specifically in the circumference measurements of the body shape. They are also cost less compared to invasive intervention (liposuction) [7].
Ultrasonic cavitation machines before and after
Cavi lipo machines can give you pronounced results if you follow simple instructions for use. Look at some real-life photos to estimate before and after cavitation results.
Ultrasonic cavitation risks and contraindications
Performing ultrasonic cavitation at home is a great time and money saver. However, this treatment is not for all.
There are some conditions when you should avoid using cavitation machines
Healthy individuals with little fat deposits can use ultrasonic cavitation machine without many concerns. As the procedure is non-invasive and non-surgical it has no downtime and minor risks.
The most common side effects are redness and increased sensitivity. As you applied massage to the treated area you increased the blood flow there and the skin becomes red. The redness passes after 4 hours post-procedure.
After ultrasonic cavitation, you can also experience mild bruising in the treated area, that will pass in a day or two.
How to use a body cavitation machine at home?

Cavitation machines are great devices to help reduce the fat appearance and sculpt your body. While using ultrasonic cavitation at home, you need to follow 6 simple rules to get noticeable results.
- Use cavitation gel on the treated area. It is used to better transmit ultrasonic waves from the cavitation machine to fat tissue.
- Start treatment with small circular movements on the fatty part.
- Continue with sliding cavitation device back and forth horizontally and then vertically (for abdomen and legs) on treated are.
- Focus on one (two for bilateral parts) area per session.
- Use your ultrasound cavitation device every two-three days switching the area you treat. You can have 3 sessions for up to 30 minutes each per week.
- Massage the area after the session to help the lymphatic system move faster.
Before and aftercare to maintain results after body cavitation at home
Ultrasonic slimming machines are not magical devices. There are some before and aftercare tips and tricks to help you achieve the most prominent results.
✔️ Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. Cavitation does not burn the fat, it is breaks it apart. After that, your lymphatic system needs to flush it out.
✔️ Drink plenty of water to help flush away broken fat cells. It is recommended to drink half a gallon (2 liters) of water before the treatment and another 2 liters the day following the treatment.
✔️ Exercise (better to do it just after the treatment). You can choose any type of activity from cardio to yoga or stretching. Keep your body moving at least 30 minutes a day.
✔️Avoid greasy, heavy food, and sugar for 24 hours before the procedure.
✔️ Don’t eat 2 hours before and 1 hour after the ultrasound cavitation.
✔️ Avoid drinking alcohol for 2-3 days after using cavi lipo machine. Alcohol prevents the liver from working on fat removal and harms the overall results.
✔️ Give up caffeine consumption for 1-2 days before ultrasonic cavitation and 48 hours after the treatment. It causes dehydration, which makes flushing fat cells less effective.
Body sculpting non-invasive procedures are becoming increasingly popular among men and women alike. Ultrasonic cavitation for far reduction is a safe and painless treatment for both men and women that helps to reduce circumference measurements and improve skin appearance. The ultrasonic cavitation machine will be a great addition to your body care routine as it not only helps to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat but also improves skin appearance and increases metabolism.
In this article, we select the best cavitation machine for home use in four categories.
- A cavi lipo machine from Fazjeune is your choice if you are looking for additional skin tightening.
- If your goal is to burn fat and tone muscles simultaneously BaiYoung body contouring machine is your favorite.
- A professional ultrasonic slimming machine with additional features from HUANSHI is a must for those who aim to get a comprehensive whole body and face treatment.
- Simple Enshey ultrasonic cavitation machine is a compact and powerful device for users who value quiet operation.
🤔 Do at-home ultrasonic cavitation machines work?
According to clinical studies, ultrasound cavitation shows positive results in reducing the thickness of the fat layer and circumference.
Depending on additional functions and the frequency range the at-home body contouring machines can be more or less effective. You also should follow the recommendation on before and aftercare to get the wanted results.
⏱️ How often can I use ultrasonic cavitation at home?
On average, 2-3 sessions per week are recommended. The duration of the treatment lasts 8-12 weeks.
It also depends on the device you have. You should read the user manual to know the recommended frequency.
🤕 Is cavitation a painful procedure?
Ultrasonic fat cavitation is a completely pain-free procedure. The cavitation slimming machines use ultrasonic waves to break fat cells and you will not feel any discomfort during the procedure. However, every machine has recommended time duration for the procedure and you should not exceed the recommended time not to put too much stress on your liver.
🔥 Does Ultrasonic Cavitation burns fat?
No. The Ultrasonic Cavitation breaks fat cells, so the liver can digest them. That is why a balanced diet is important to ensure lasting results.
⌛ How fast can I see the results?
You will see the difference immediately after the treatment, however for steady results, allow 3 – 6 sessions.
🤔 Is Cavitation better than fat freezing?
The fat is only suitable for freeze if you can grab a good handful of it. If the deposits of fat are more widespread, the Cavitation is often a much better choice.
- “Health technology assessment of non-invasive interventions for weight loss and body shape in Iran” — Marzieh Nojomi, Maziar Moradi-Lakeh, Ashraf Velayati, Ahmad Naghibzadeh-Tahami, Haleh Dadgostar, Gholamhossein Ghorabi, Mohammad Moradi-Joo, Mohsen Yaghoubi, — PMID: 27390717, PMCID: PMC4898871
- “The Effects of Low-Intensity Ultrasound on Fat Reduction of Rat Model.” — Bill Zhou, Benny Yuk Kin Leung, and Lei Sun. — BioMed Research International. Volume 2017 Article ID 4701481
- “Cavitation in medicine.” — Christopher E. Brennen. Interface focus: a themed supplement of Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5(5):20150022, October 2015 — DOI:10.1098/rsfs.2015.0022
- “A Novel Non‐Focused Pulsed Ultrasound Technology for Non‐Invasive Circumference Reduction.” — Ines Verner. Dermatologic Therapy 34(1), August 2021 — DOI:10.1111/dth.15101
- “Non-invasive subcutaneous fat reduction: a review” — J Kennedy, S Verne, R Griffith, L Falto-Aizpurua, K Nouri. PMID: 25664493 DOI: 10.1111/jdv.12994
- “Noninvasive body sculpting technologies with an emphasis on high-intensity focused ultrasound” — Mark L Jewell, Nowell J Solish, Charles S Desilets. PMID: 21461627 DOI: 10.1007/s00266-011-9700-5
- “Health technology assessment of non-invasive interventions for weight loss and body shape in Iran.” — Marzieh Nojomi, Maziar Moradi-Lakeh, Ashraf Velayati, Ahmad Naghibzadeh-Tahami, Haleh Dadgostar, Gholamhossein Ghorabi, Mohammad Moradi-Joo, Mohsen Yaghoubi. PMID: 27390717. PMCID: PMC4898871
- “Body contouring by non-invasive transdermal focused ultrasound” — J Moreno-Moraga, T Valero-Altés, A Martínez Riquelme, M I Isarria-Marcosy, J Royo de la Torre. PMID: 17457840. DOI: 10.1002/lsm.20478
These articles are so informative. I thank you for your insight, and posting results by actual trials and not opinions.